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Case Study: B/one

Together with the product management of Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH we laid in one of many evening-meetings the foundation to a singular campaign of a German boatyard for yachts. It happened in the context of the development of the Vision-series, an endeavour we could also contribute our competence to.

Analysis has confirmed our understanding of the market. The sport of sailing “becomes older and older”. What is missing in all regards is a fresh breeze and high levels of energy, especially for the common sailor, who wants to simply enjoy the sport in a modern way.

That is why we were requested to design a boat ready for production, that is easy to operate and corresponds in design and capabilities to what is expected of boats of the third millennium that can be towed on a trailer, but that as far as price is concerned ranges below everything else on the market.

The basic concept was arrived at together with the product and the general management. Then it was implemented within only 6 month from conception to realisation - a remarkably short time considering the industry. In this case like in all others involving Boatyard-Solutions the general conditions were determined prior to the start. The costs of design and development play a very significant part in the construction of standardised yachts, even before the project has begun. We do not reopen the contract negotiations. We stand for fair and firm conditions. In this way the principal, and we as well, can concentrate on the efficient and professional execution of the project.

The result is a modern ship, that is convincing and elating for you – whether dinghy- and amateur sailor or professional yachtsman.

Even to novices in sailing the One Design class offers the opportunity to quickly and simply have fun in this sport. Quickly, because any sailor kann experience and reach speeds of about 18 knots safely and without problems.

The ship has been sold over 140 times since its introduction in 2013 and gains more friends all the time. The B/one community is growing!

We consider it a privilege to have been involved in this project and to have created with our know-how a boat, that has received much attention from the great players and names in the high-performance segment of this sport and industry. This was a hit in the bull's-eye for a German boatyard. The B/one is creating a buzz – and our customer as well.

Our responsibilities in this project

  • Idea and basic concept
  • Development in cooperation with Farr Yacht Design
  • Cost budgeting
  • Project management and execution
  • Implementation of production and industrialisation
  • Permanent advice in matters of production
  • Product presentation at fairs, on the water and at regattas – together with product management and marketing

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